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Days rushing by

I'm not sure how days go by so quickly - I do keep up with my food collages pretty much daily, but all of a sudden I've got a bunch of them that haven't been posted. When I started these I was involved with a web fitness community where I...

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The Expense of Real Food

A friend sent me a link to a Mark Bittman article,  "Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?" that is worth reading, particularly for those who claim they can't manage to eat real food because it is so much more expensive than processed food. It may...

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The Midwestern Contrast

Over dinner last night my photo-taking of food grew into a quite a bit of laughter as the conversation turned to the comparison of the plate of my friend with midwestern eating patterns (lasagna and a very white looking salad) and the...

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Eating at the Haven

Getting to Gabriola Island, BC, where I am teaching Guiding the Journey right now, required a sea plane for part of the trip - and a weight limit that left me taking only enough food for the travel day. Only a bit of carrot-raisin manna...

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Catching up with Myself

Over the summer I spend many weeks in intense engagement with the outside world through teaching, hosting workshops, and traveling. In between, when I'm home at Skyote Mountain, I catch up with myself. Not that I don't spend time...

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Keeping Commitments

It's when life takes twists and turns the routine falls apart that commitments become important. When they are easy to keep, it's no big deal. When they take serious effort to keep, despite circumstances, commitments that we have made...

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Smoothie as workout indicator

You can usually tell when I've done a serious resistance training or interval training workout by the smoothie that shows up on my daily photo collage. There are the odd days when I just can't manage a smoothie afterwards and make do with...

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I have those days, too

In case you thought I eat beautifully and perfectly all the time, Saturday evening will prove you wrong. I even hesitated putting up the photo for Saturday, though I did take photos of most of it. Not sure how I got so off track, but I...

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The choices we make about food

Just read Scott Tousignant's blog, discussing his very reasoned and moderate approach to food choices. Definitely worth reading and thinking about! I gave a response expanding on my own thoughts about belief and values driven food choices...

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More Food Collages

I've been posting my daily food collages on FaceBook, and have received quite a bit of positive response, but have hesitated to put them here. My fear is that I could easily turn this blog into a food-oriented adventure, and much as I...

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