Moving Through Life
It’s all about movement – movement of our bodies, movement in our lives, movement in the world around us. There are many ways to move, many ways to inspire movement in ourselves and others.
Moving and dancing alone and together, we can connect deeply with ourselves, with each other, with earth, with spirit. Our relationships with our bodies are reflected in our relationship with the world around us.
Coming to sacred ground in the body, searching beneath our conditioned ways of being, paying attention to our bodies’ messages, we can open ourselves to new ways to move and play, dance and celebrate, open our spirits to move in the world.
Beyond the movement of our bodies, there is movement in our lives, change and growth in how we interact with ourselves and with others and with the world around us. There is movement in taking action and making choices, in the small steps in each moment that move us towards the possibilities that our visions and dreams have imagined. And there is the movement of finding our way around and through obstacles and challenges, as well as dancing with the unexpected plot twists that develop along the way. There is even movement in stillness, where the gentle expansion and release of breath brings us back to center.
My Philosophy

What is our highest potential?
Our highest potential as human beings is to truly embrace the mutual interdependence of all the beings of this world and to value the full development of potentialities and consciousness for all. From the viewpoint of psychology and movement, this involves an ongoing process of healing the wounds in our psyches, fully inhabiting our bodies, increasing our consciousness while developing a healthy relationship with those parts of ourselves that are unconscious, and deepening our relationships with other humans as well as with all the other inhabitants of the planet we share. Each of us has our own individual potential to grow towards, and this question is one that we can continue to ask throughout our lives.
What inspires us to achieve that potential?
We can be inspired by so many things; by those we see modeling creative, conscious lives and choices and relationships, by watching those who live self-actualized lives and make a difference in the world, by stories and legends and dreams.
What holds us back?
Unhealed wounds hold us back. There are many obstacles out there in the world that can slow us down and make the path rocky and difficult. As long as we continue to take steps, small as they might be, that are in alignment with our value, we are on the path to living our highest potential.
What can assist us in staying on the path?
- Stay open and flexible.
- Develop resiliency.
- Be willing to experiment – and willing to fail and learn.
Everything is grist for the mill. Even when you have setbacks and struggles, there is so much to learn that can then help you to continue along your journey. There just isn’t much use in self-recrimination – each moment is another opportunity to make a new choice, and punishing yourself for past mistakes (even when you are just emerging from them) is not helpful. In this moment, what is the best way to take your next step (which may be large or small, energetically outreaching, or quietly replenishing)?