I have those days, too

In case you thought I eat beautifully and perfectly all the time, Saturday evening will prove you wrong. I even hesitated putting up the photo for Saturday, though I did take photos of most of it. Not sure how I got so off track, but I ended up eating a medley of things that added up to too much. I did manage to measure what I was eating, though – I maintained that much consciousness. And got right back on track Sunday morning. This can be embarrassing to put out there in pictures for all the world to see – but I’ve had a lot of questions lately about whether there are things I eat that DON’T go into these photos. I want to assure you that everything DOES go into the photos, even when it’s not an eating event I’m proud of. The only time I “fudge” is that I do sometimes use a past photo of something I eat a lot of – how many photos of carrots do I need to take, after all? So if you see a carrot, or one of my homemade banana oat protein bars, it may or may not be the one I ate that day. Rest assured that it is the same size and very close to the same amount as I actually ate that day! And know that I will not show you false pretty pictures of food that does not match what I really ate.

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