Catching up with Myself

Over the summer I spend many weeks inĀ intense engagement with the outside world through teaching, hosting workshops, and traveling. In between, when I’m home at Skyote Mountain, I catch up with myself. Not that I don’t spend time connecting with myself while I’m away – if I didn’t I would not manage those trips and events very well. But it’s very structured time with myself when I’m away, just because there isn’t much time for it. I’m very disciplined while traveling in terms of doing my workouts first thing in the morning, and spending some quiet reflection time just before bed.

When I’m home, it’s all very unstructured, and the time can get away from me. There are so many loose ends that need tying, and various chores that need doing, and emails to catch up on – not to mention going through mail and reading. It’s easier to miss my workouts when they don’t have to be so carefully scheduled. I’m not ready yet to structure my flexible schedule on days at home, but I am exploring how to make sure my workout time does not get lost in the looseness of the full days.

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