Keeping Commitments

It’s when life takes twists and turns the routine falls apart that commitments become important. When they are easy to keep, it’s no big deal. When they take serious effort to keep, despite circumstances, commitments that we have made become a reminder that we decided at some point that this was something worth paying attention to and making a priority.

I made a commitment to make these food photo collages every day. When I sit down with the photos of the day’s food and put them together to see what the day’s meals looked like, and arrange them on the page, there is a sense of completion. It becomes a meditation, a time to quiet down and reflect on the day, rather than actively moving through it. I have been writing up a blog and posting the photo the next day. I did my reflection and collage creation Wednesday night, but was not able to post on Thursday or do the collage that night, as my laptop computer is in for repair and setting up temporary computer access for me was a more complex endeavor than we had hoped (thank you, Rene’, for all your efforts on this!), and so here I am late on Friday creating two days’ worth of collages at once. Ah, well, a good exercise to have routines disrupted every once in a while, just to be reminded that I can be adaptable.

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