Smoothie as workout indicator

You can usually tell when I’ve done a serious resistance training or interval training workout by the smoothie that shows up on my daily photo collage. There are the odd days when I just can’t manage a smoothie afterwards and make do with the best substitute I can for an easily absorbed food with 2:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio (I did this a few days last week during the workshop intensity). But my post-workout nutrition of choice is a smoothie. I tend to use whey protein with fruit and either almond milk or coconut milk (not the creamy kind in cans – it’s available in the refrigerated section or the milk alternatives section – I usually get So Delicious). So you can see that Thursday I got back to my workouts after Monday-Wednesday off (though I did go for a walk through the Skyote Mountain land with my husband Rene’ on Wednesday).

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