I'm just not used to eating all my meals in restaurants. I'm always surprised when a dish described fairly simply in the menu comes to the table covered with a rich sauce. I haven't even had room for desserts!
The Midwestern Contrast
Over dinner last night my photo-taking of food grew into a quite a bit of laughter as the conversation turned to the comparison of the plate of my friend with midwestern eating patterns (lasagna and a very white looking salad) and the...
Trusting in what’s provided
There is no time in my schedule to shop for food, and no refrigerator in the hotel room. I'm left to trust what is here in the hotel, which worked out reasonably well today. The breakfast buffet provided a healthy beginning, and the...
An odd day’s food
I did the best I could, but there wasn't that much fresh food in the house when I returned from Gabriola Island, and no time for shopping before getting on the plane this morning for Washington, DC for the Saybrook College of Mind Body...
Eating at the Haven
Getting to Gabriola Island, BC, where I am teaching Guiding the Journey right now, required a sea plane for part of the trip - and a weight limit that left me taking only enough food for the travel day. Only a bit of carrot-raisin manna...
Return of the Computer Routines – and Poppyseed Ginger Rye Muffins
After 10 days of computer nightmare, I am back on my laptop again. Perhaps a break would have been easier if I did not have so much work and so many projects that are computer dependent. Now there is catching up to do - and getting ready...
My computer is back, but we're setting it up with a new, larger hard drive - which means installing everything from scratch. Some of it is just time-consuming, other parts require the assistance of my in-home tech service - my husband,...
Catching up with Myself
Over the summer I spend many weeks in intense engagement with the outside world through teaching, hosting workshops, and traveling. In between, when I'm home at Skyote Mountain, I catch up with myself. Not that I don't spend time...
Too much time at the computer
Computer problems seem to take a ridiculously longer time to deal with than it seems like they should! But I'm still eating in between dealing with too many projects at once, so less talk, just photos for a few days here.
Moroccan Chickpea Cauliflower Tagine
I doubled the cauliflower (the original had only 2 cups) in this recipe from Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health's Seasonal Menus: Summer 2010, by Deb Morgan. It combined beautifully with Quinoa with Latin Flavors and Roasted Romano Beans...
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