An odd day’s food

I did the best I could, but there wasn’t that much fresh food in the house when I returned from Gabriola Island, and no time for shopping before getting on the plane this morning for Washington, DC for the Saybrook College of Mind Body Medicine’s residential conference and training. I had lots of plums that had kept well while I was gone, and a few pears from our tree. Some snow peas and celery from the farmer’s market a week ago (it’s a good thing vegetables retain quite a bit of their nutrients even when in the refrigerator for a week!), and some vinegared golden beets and red onions, which I combined with goat cheese for a quite tasty snack on the plane. It was enough to feed me for a day of traveling.

Quite a contrast to the Silk Route Feast I shared with my friend Bill in Vancouver Wednesday night at East is East (and finished off the leftovers with breakfast the next day, as I was on my way home).

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