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Food & Community

I have hosted our west coast family Thanksgiving gathering since we finished building the house here at Skyote Mountain. We met before that at the Sacramento home of my first cousin once-removed, but with the loss of a few family members,...

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The Evolution of Leftovers

My mother taught me that leftover cooking is all about creativity. When you get tired of having warmed up leftovers as is, it's time to turn them into something else. So leftover cooked vegetables might go into a frittata or casserole or...

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Apple Pecan Rye Sourdough Bread

I've been baking this one a lot lately - you can see it on 11.10 (plain) and 11.11 (with blue cheese and black sesame spread). Rene' is a bread eater, so I bake healthy breads to make sure he is not eating empty calories. Apple Pecan Rye...

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Fall shifts, inside and out

I have been feeling the shift that comes for me in fall. Slowing down, not so interested in getting out and about. I've missed several events that sounded wonderful because I just couldn't get myself to make the drive out into the world...

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Soup for Fall

A walk at dusk inspired soup for dinner. Fall has arrived, and I'm happy to have the wealth of colorful organic peppers still here, even as the winter squash, pomegranates, and persimmons arrive. The last of the plums, peaches, and...

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Balance Over Time

Any given day of eating can look out of balance or not so healthy if you look just at what was eaten in that 24 hour period. It's the balance over time that makes the difference. Sunday we had an alumni gathering with potluck snacks, and...

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The Expense of Real Food

A friend sent me a link to a Mark Bittman article,  "Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?" that is worth reading, particularly for those who claim they can't manage to eat real food because it is so much more expensive than processed food. It may...

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Cooking at home again

It's been a fairly hectic few days since returning home, without much chance to go grocery shopping, and with visits to friends, museums, theatre shows, and restaurants. I visited the Scotts Valley Farmer's Market Saturday morning to pick...

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Last day of traveling food

Flew home to Santa Cruz Friday, and I am so glad to be home, where I can have easier access to healthy food and my own cooking! I'm off to the Farmer's Market in the morning, to stock up on whatever is seasonal. I'm hoping there are still...

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