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Travel food

  After a day of running errands and packing up for the next leg of my summer travel, I prepared food Wednesday night to bring with me on the plane ride. I learned long ago that I am much happier eating my own brought-from-home food...

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Eating what’s here

I am in between travels for 2 days, unpacking from San Diego and repacking for teaching Psychology of the Chakras at Kripalu, visiting with friends and family, and then presenting at the APA (American Psychological Association) convention...

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Banana Nut Dried Fruit Protein Bars

Every night while I am here at Trance Camp assisting and teaching I have prepared my food for the next day, getting breakfast ready to whip up into a smoothie, packing up morning and afternoon snacks, making a salad for my M3 lunch meal....

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The stabilizing influence of travel

For many people, traveling disrupts their routines and it becomes difficult to keep food and exercise in balance. For me, the somewhat rigidly scheduled days of teaching or attending workshops or conferences away from home require me to...

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Preparing to travel

I spent Monday getting ready to travel for the next 5 weeks. Getting ready for my travels involves going through the food in my refrigerator to see what can be eaten before I leave, what can be taken with me for eating on the plane, and...

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Summer fruit

I'm noticing that I'm eating more fruit - apricots, plums, nectarines, peaches, cherries. There's hardly room for apples on my daily menu anymore! At the farmer's market, I just can't resist the juicy, wonderful, colorful yumminess of...

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Gluten-free feast

Just finished cleaning up from a wonderful group of women who came for a day of singing and yoga Saturday at our Skyote Mountain retreat. Heather Houston asked me to cook a gluten-free dinner for us all, so I put this menu together:...

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The choices we make about food

Just read Scott Tousignant's blog, discussing his very reasoned and moderate approach to food choices. Definitely worth reading and thinking about! I gave a response expanding on my own thoughts about belief and values driven food choices...

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