Finding the Time
by Selene Vega
Santa Cruz CAMFT Newsletter, Sept/Oct 1995, Therapists for Social Responsibility column
I know of someone who recently realized that he had saved up enough money
from his well-paid job over the years to take early retirement. He'd been
working and planning for this day - now he could stop working so hard and just
enjoy his life. He hesitated for quite some time, staying at a job that was not
intolerable, but also not deeply satisfying. What kept him there? Despite the
rational understanding that he really did have enough money invested to manage
comfortably for the rest of his life, he was somewhat fearful of his ability to
survive financially without a salary. However, this was something he could work
his way through, and there was a more compelling inner conflict blocking his way
out of that job. He wasn't sure what he would do with his time, or what would
give meaning to his life.
What convinced him finally to take the leap were the words of several
friends. The suggestion that broke through his doubts was that he take all that
free time and find work that is meaningful to him without having to worry about
whether or not it pays well. He had never had that luxury before, and now a
whole world of possibilities opened up for him.
Even when we find meaning in what we do for a living, we can all see work
that we believe needs to be done in the world that doesn't pay enough for us to
live on. Some of it doesn't pay anything at all. The causes I support generally
rely on volunteers to do the necessary tasks to create change in the world. How
much time and energy any of us has to contribute to the work we believe in
depends on how much we have left after doing what is necessary to survive. For
some, there just isn't anything left over after hours each day spent with
clients, paperwork, managing a practice (for those of us self-employed), dealing
with a bureaucracy (for those of us with agencies or organizations), and then
attending to our homes and relationships.
For me, volunteering time feels essential to my sense of hope. I need to be
contributing on some level, no matter how small, to the ongoing process of
change sustained by organizations that are trying to do something. This can feel
like a drop in the bucket, as there are many, many worthy causes, and much work
to do in each of them. I can only do so much, and I am constantly aware of how
limited my contribution is to the large picture. I seem to have made my choices
about where to put my time and energy by following opportunities that presented
themselves to me, rather than attempting to judge which cause is the most
worthy. My focus changes now and then and I have relied on that to reassure
myself that even if I'm only working with a small part of what needs to be done,
I may find myself later in another camp, approaching the problems from a
different angle.
As I work with a group of people striving towards some goal or mission, I get
the benefit of a sense of community that grows out of these working
relationships. This is especially important for me, as I have consistently
formed my closest friendships with housemates or co-workers. Now, earning my
money from my private practice and teaching, I am struck by the fact that my
main contacts through work are people with whom I must keep appropriate
boundaries. Clearly, my clients will not form my supportive community. Even with
students, the relationship is circumscribed by situation. Only when I reach out
to my colleagues for peer consultation or get involved with work-related
organizations can I find a sense of community through my professional
Reaching beyond our immediate work requirements to find places where we can
come together to contribute creates community on another level, one where we
have the satisfaction of doing our part to bring about the changes that seem
important to us. For example, at the last CAMFT (California Association of
Marriage and Family Therapists) meeting, as we listened to the folks from Santa
Cruz AIDS Project talk about their programs, it became clear that several of our
members have been volunteering their skills to help SCAP fulfill its goals.
After the meeting, one of them told me that this has been an incredibly
fulfilling way to do essential work and at the same time satisfy her need for
community involvement.
We are so very busy, running to stay in place. If we can find just a little
bit of time to reach out beyond our individual survival pathways and join in
where a collective push is needed, perhaps we won't have to wait for retirement
to find a world of opportunities awaiting our involvement. Right here, right
now, we can be part of a movement towards our visions for this planet and its